Sail Away

Our planet is covered 71% by water: oceans, rivers, lakes, ice caps and glaciers. Traveling on the water used to be the only way to reach distant continents, but today, we have many choices!  Cruising can take you into the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean or to remote corners of the Earth for an adventure of a lifetime. You can sail with your sweetheart, family, and friends to follow in the wake of famous explorers from the past.

The options for cruising are varied and there is truly something for everyone. Here at Royal Travel Center, we makes it a priority to keep current and informed about the different types of ships and experiences that are available. We can help you find the voyage that suits your style and budget.

Contact Us about a Cruise

Ocean Cruises

Cruise close to home or choose an exotic destination to explore.

Read More about Ocean Cruising

River Cruises

River cruising allows for a relaxing and immersive travel experience.

Read More about River Cruising

Specialty Cruises

Expedition cruising offers smaller ships that are big on adventure.

Read More about Expedition Cruising